Sunday Bible Class – 9:30 am
Sunday Worship – 10:30 am
Sunday Evening – 6:00 am
Wednesday Evening –
Dinner 5:30 pm
Class 6:30 pm
Church Address:
290 Fairgrounds Road, Troy, MO 63379 (map)
(636) 528-2626

About Fairgrounds Road Church of Christ —
The congregation here is a part of the church of Christ referred to in the New Testament as the “Body of Christ”; repentant, baptized believers in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The church of Christ operates under no guide, manual, or creed book other than the Bible and strives to continue to be non-denominational and non-sectarian. We wear the name church of Christ to show ownership rather than affiliation. Our goal is to follow the Bible and the Bible only. Using the New Testament as our guide and pattern, you will find worship to consist of the same acts of worship and praise authorized and practiced by Christians of the first century – singing, reading, study of the scriptures, contribution for the work of the church, prayer and observation of the Lord’s Supper. This congregation strives to remain loyal to the church duties and responsibilities as directed by our Lord: taking the gospel to the lost, serving our fellow man, and worshiping our God and Father. We sincerely welcome you as you share this Christian experience with us today.
The people at Fairgrounds Road Church of Christ love God and love one another. We meet every first day of the week to worship God and bring him glory. Through worship, study, and fellowship, we learn to reach out to our community and encourage one another to be more like Christ. We are brought together by the recognition that we are all sinners, and we all need the saving power of Christ to take away our sins and give us hope.
The worship service will include several spoken prayers and the reading of scripture. The preacher will not be referred to with a special title or wear special robes. He will give a sermon lasting approximately 30 minutes that will center around Bible teaching and Bible scripture. The worship service typically lasts about one hour.
One unique thing about the churches of Christ is that all our singing is “a cappella”, which means, without instruments. We worship following the pattern of the New Testament churches in the Bible and sing as they did, from our hearts using only our voices. A song leader directs the singing and everyone is encouraged to sing using either the songbooks or the music on the overhead projector.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday as a remembrance of Christ’s death on the cross. Baptized believers participate in this remembrance. Trays of unleavened bread and grape juice are passed out to everyone. You may choose to participate or simply pass it on to the next person.
Trays will be passed out to collect the weekly offering. As members of the Lord’s Church, we give to enable the work of the church in caring for our community and teaching the Gospel. Cheerful giving helps us to be grateful for what God has given us, and makes us more like Christ. As our guest, you are under no obligation or expectation to make any donation.
At the end of the service, the preacher will give an “invitation” for anyone who has a spiritual need to come forward while a song is sung. If anyone wants to be baptized or publicly request prayers, they may come at this time. This is not required and no one is ever singled out. You may speak with the preacher or elders at any time to privately request prayers or ask questions.
Christ welcomed little children to come to Him, and we want to do likewise. All children stay with their parents for worship, but nursery facilities are available if needed. Don’t be worried about your children making a noise now and again. They are viewed as precious and always welcome. We encourage you to bring your children to participate in Bible classes where they can meet friends and have fun!
We hope your are encouraged by your visit with us. You will be greeted and welcomed to participate or just observe if that is your choice. There is no expectation to leave your contact information unless you are comfortable doing so. It is our wish that you leave your visit seeking the hope that Christ has given us and feeling the love within His church.